Thursday, October 27, 2011


1. I think it is called Big little classroom because you can talk to people around the world and learn about the culture and other stuff. It's like you sit in one class and can talk to somebody around the world both sitting in another part of the world.

2. Skype, Video chatting and elluminate (web conferencing software).

3. Some techniques the teacher used was that she would try to have more people video chat with the students so makes it easier for them and make other school have it to so that students can explore more.

4. I think it would cool studying with the people around the world and as like Flatclassroom project there would be very less confusion it would just go easy and smooth. I would love to be in a class like that.

5. It's really important as an example Flatclassroom peoject we are not really connecting to poeple in other country we are just trying to make a wiki with other students and we have lots of confusion and as it is hard for the teacher too. Connection like Skype it make is really easy for the students and the teacher to understand the project better and be successful

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