Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The World is flat

My reaction to this book was really different. I didn't think this book will be downloaded for 70 thousands time by people around the world. The best part about this book is that he made this book on an accident. This book was made after doing lots of different thinks like going to India and Vendor. After going to these places and hearing about it from other people from other countries. In India, somebody told him that the world is flat and that day he decided to write a book called THE WORLD IS FLAT.

August 9th, 1995 the internet went online. I didn't know that it was sold for twenty eight thousand dollars. I didn't that fiber optic cable means that it’s free for you to use. I totally agree with the author Thomas Friedman that whatever can be will be done the only question is that it is done by you or to you. As he said that green revolution is fraud. But i think is some is not a fraud and it also depends upon the situation if you do it the rite way or not

I am really looking forward to this class how do we interact with other friends around the world and how do we do all this stuff all around the world specially with other people that don't even know out language like china and other places.


  1. I like how you put that the book was made on accident. I think that is really cool. This is a really interesting blog post!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. That is a lot of money for the first internet to go for

  4. I like how you put tags on the words. It was pretty cool since I've never seen anyone do that berfore, and it could help someone who didn't know as much about the topic.

  5. that true Growney, it's gonna be interesting to learn from people all around the world.

  6. I agree with this blog. I think it will be very interesting to start interacting with people from around the world/country. But at the same time, I am very excited!

  7. I loved the taggings you used in your post! it really expanded the possibilities. I liked the amount of information and could easily use this for notes!

  8. IT has changed the world and the amount of things will go for and how many will buy stuff around the world
