Monday, December 19, 2011

Songs Mix 5

My video is about my favorite rap songs that I like and click below to listen to the best songs mix ever made.

Image Citation :
"Music Bio | Musicouch." Musicouch | Genres, Instruments, Live Music, Music Making. Adamdepolo, 19 Dec. 2011. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. <>.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Flat Classroom Experience

Flat Classroom project a project we start a while ago and now is the days where we are explaining are experience. Time went by that quick I didn't realize it.

This was one of the first projects i have ever done which was this collaborative. This project was about students all around the world working together on one specific topic. Everybody gets all kinds of information about their own topic. After that information goes out on the wiki page to help others. At the end one of the students reviewing all of the information and getting a good summary for around 300 words

Our next step for this project was creating a video for our topic that we got assigned. It had two parts to it: video that we make and the outsourcing. Personally I thought it was kind of interesting to see the outsourced part because that shows how somebody is good or bad at something. Some people got good outsourced videos and some didn't. So it was hit or no hit.

Over all this Flat classroom Project was not hard for me. I like to learn new things that help in my life and i have learned a lot of new things while doing this project. Ex: Making a video by using movie maker and Animoto, taking notes on ever note and Microsoft OneNote and etc.

My one advice would you guys should have meetings before starting this project and have an idea what are you guys going to do after each step is finished and all the teachers should know everything about all the software’s and other things they are going to use in class and should know how to use then.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


1. I think it is called Big little classroom because you can talk to people around the world and learn about the culture and other stuff. It's like you sit in one class and can talk to somebody around the world both sitting in another part of the world.

2. Skype, Video chatting and elluminate (web conferencing software).

3. Some techniques the teacher used was that she would try to have more people video chat with the students so makes it easier for them and make other school have it to so that students can explore more.

4. I think it would cool studying with the people around the world and as like Flatclassroom project there would be very less confusion it would just go easy and smooth. I would love to be in a class like that.

5. It's really important as an example Flatclassroom peoject we are not really connecting to poeple in other country we are just trying to make a wiki with other students and we have lots of confusion and as it is hard for the teacher too. Connection like Skype it make is really easy for the students and the teacher to understand the project better and be successful

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The World is flat

My reaction to this book was really different. I didn't think this book will be downloaded for 70 thousands time by people around the world. The best part about this book is that he made this book on an accident. This book was made after doing lots of different thinks like going to India and Vendor. After going to these places and hearing about it from other people from other countries. In India, somebody told him that the world is flat and that day he decided to write a book called THE WORLD IS FLAT.

August 9th, 1995 the internet went online. I didn't know that it was sold for twenty eight thousand dollars. I didn't that fiber optic cable means that it’s free for you to use. I totally agree with the author Thomas Friedman that whatever can be will be done the only question is that it is done by you or to you. As he said that green revolution is fraud. But i think is some is not a fraud and it also depends upon the situation if you do it the rite way or not

I am really looking forward to this class how do we interact with other friends around the world and how do we do all this stuff all around the world specially with other people that don't even know out language like china and other places.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Video!!

I choose this video becuase i like technology and I am excited for the new iPhone 5 coming these are the features it will have and I love it. I am excited for it and when it comes out I am going to buy it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Microsoft One Note Review

Microsoft Office OneNote 2010 is a software were you can compare and capture ideas and information electronically. It is like a notebook you carry everyday but it is online and on your smartphones. You could insert files or capture an image for notes . Microsoft Office OneNote 2010 is a computer program for free-form information gathering . It can gather user's notesdrawings or audio and share them with other users of Microsoft OneNote over the Internet.

Microsoft Office OneNote 2010 is easier to use then all the other microsoft softwares they have. Ex: Microsoft word is really hard to use it is just like a page you are writing you can't make notes and can't take screen captures of specific stuff that you think is important. Microsoft word is just like you write on paper instead the words you are typing and its looks cleaner. Microsoft Powerpoint is kind of similar to OneNote takes over all of them (easy to use).

Microsoft OneNote 2010 is helping everybody around the world rite now and will help them now and in future beacuse it is the one tool that is your notebook which is electronically available to you anywere around the world only on some of your smart phones and computers. For bussiness people this is the best tool like when they are in the meeting they can just take notes quickly or just take a picture of the presentation and just put it in or just start the audio recording and get everything recording and all to the notes so now you have every single information on the blog.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Favorite Websites!!

Today's blog is about the three of my favorite websites. One of my favorite webstite is It's my favorite website becuase i like to shop online and i can find all the stuff i need like cell phones, shoes , T-shirts and etcc...Amazon is also know for selling reforbushed phones, laptops and other cool stuff that we use in everyday life.
My second favorite is website is YouTube. I use youtube everyday like almost 2 to 4 hours so listen to song or download new music. Specially on Mac it's hard to download music so i just take the youtube link and change it into mp3 audio and download it. I also use youtube to find lyrics for the song and we can listen to the song and sing it at the same time. It makes the life easier.
My Third favorite website is ESPN. It is one of the best websites to find out the latest new about what is going on in the sports world. I use the espn almost everyday to find out about football, tennis or cricket. Espn gives us the lastest news and tries to keep up on the latest records people made up till now.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

About me!!!

Its all about me. Hi, I am Groney Chawla and I am a Senior at Valley High School . I am ready to graduate. I am currently in a class called Digital Communications Tools in short DIGI-TOOLS. This class is fun we use the new technology out there is class which makes life way to easy. Taking notes on cell phones & iPad and learn how to great blogs and lots of new stuff that are out their. I think this class will be a fun to be in and get to know the new apps that are coming out on the phones and computer that syncs them together. I will recommend this class to any student in this school.

One of the best tools to take notes is Evernote its easy and we can tweet to all differnet social networs like facebook, twitter. We also got to know about Microsoft One Note but we didn't use this one yet. Since we are using Evernote on iPad's and iPhone's it sync the notes that to take on the phone. Since everybody uses their phone almost 9 hours in a day it makes it easier to take notes and its a lots quicker

So people out their if you like this class then will you guys try it next semester?